I recently took a trip to attend my cousin’s graduation (also the reason for the lack of posts lately). Aside from the fact that I hate dressing in a suit and having to deal with drunk people all around me, there was something in particular that bothered me during my stay. I stayed in my cousin’s house along with my other younger cousin. My cousins and I have different tastes in music, usually this isn’t a problem for us because despite all of our differences we always have a good time together. This time things were a bit different, I don’t try to make them listen to the music I like but I also have a problem with people criticizing me for what I listen to.

They listen to “modern music” electronic and what not, and I don’t have any problem with that, I don’t particularly love it but who cares what I think everyone has the liberty to choose what they like right? Well they didn’t see it that way, they were constantly asking me if I still listened to the same music and why I didn’t like the songs they liked. This got me thinking why do people who listen to trendy music feel like they’ve got the right to rule over what everyone should and shouldn’t listen to, just because it’s more popular that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s also better.

Now I know what you’re thinking but let me state this very clear, I’m not in favor of indie or classical music snobs who think their music is better or only for smart people. I’ve met brilliant people who love rap and hip hop music as well as incredibly ignorant people who think if they listen to Mozart they’ll magically acquire class and culture. This is plain bullshit I believe the actually smart people are the ones who focus on personality and personal preferences instead of stupid judgements and outdated stereotypes.

Anyway, people need to stop judging others for what they listen to and start seeing them for who they really are. You can comment and justify why you like or dislike certain music like saying “I think the lyrics are too shallow" or "the music is overly simple” but no one can discredit any song or artist or say that some music is better that other because all music has a certain complexity or effort. Just remember it’s ok to like some music better than other or even to completely hate a genre or a song but never judge anyone by what they listen to.