"The Godfathers of Pop Punk”. New Found Glory is an amazing band all around and this is no exception to that. I am personally a huge fan of live albums. The first time I heard The Mark, Tom & Travis Show I was speechless, the energy and the performance captured in that album had me jumping around in my own room and singing to the lyrics to the top of my lungs. Ever since I’ve been hoping for live albums from all of my favorite bands and now my prayers have been answered by no other than New Found Glory.
This album was recorded at the Chain Reaction Venue in California on March 27 and 28. The first day of recording lead guitarist Chad Gilbert was electrocuted by a microphone and taken to the hospital, which is why most of the material included comes from the recordings from day 2 and why the album isn’t a continuous recording. New Found Glory’s energy in relatively small venues like this is just incredible the stage dives and sing-alongs really fit with the band’s attitude and that’s exactly what we love about them, the fans are extremely involved to the fact that they even appear in pictures taken and collages included in the album.
The album contains many fan favorites like My Friends Over You and Hit Or Miss but also brings to life some of the greatest songs they play live like Understatement or Anthem For The Unwanted. The selection for this recording is just flawless, all the songs played are some of the best ever written by the quintet.
Every long-time NFG fan will thoroughly enjoy and appreciate this album but it’s also perfect for a new fan. It’s just like the best New Found Glory Greatest Hits album someone could ask for, by listening to this you can understand just what New Found Glory is all about. You can blast this album in the shower, in your car, even when you’re sad and alone, I bet you this will pick you up. I would recommend this album to pretty much everyone, gather your pop punk-listening friends and sing-along to it, play it in your car for everyone to hear it, even if you have friends who don’t like the genre put it on and convert them!
Finally the three studio tracks in the album. I Want To Believe, Connect The Dots, and First Bite. These three are some of the most energetic and straight-up pop punk songs New Found Glory has ever written due the fact that they were all written during rehearsals for the Sticks And Stones tour. Judging by this I can see a very bright future for NFG and their legacy as one of the strongest pop punk acts remaining.
Track Listing:
1. Intro
2. Understatement
3. Don't Let Her Pull You Down
4. All Downhill From Here
5. Anthem For the Unwanted
6. At Least I'm Known For Something
7. Sonny
8. Something I Call Personality
9. Boy Crazy
10. Tip of the Iceberg
11. Coming Home
12. Forget My Name
13. Sincerely Me
14. Hit or Miss
15. Truth Of My Youth
16. The Story So Far
17. My Friends Over You
18. I Want to Believe (new song)
19. Connect the Dots (new song)
20. First Bite (new song)
I give it without hesitating a 10/10
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